Monday, April 27, 2009

Women's Conference

I leave for Women's Conference in two days.  A part of me knows that I'm really going to miss my husband and kids for those three days, but there's a much, much bigger part of me that's thinking


The Saga of the Fish: Day 1.5

I was a little worried that we were planning on going out of town the day after buying the fish.  But thankfully the poor thing died its first night of old age.  

Or maybe of poisoning.

Ashlyn doesn't seem too upset.  If you ask her about her fish, she just laughs and gleefully yells, "My fishy died!" and then she giggles uncontrollably. I wonder where she picked that attitude up from?  


Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Saga of the Fish: Day 1

Rusty called me yesterday when he was at Wal Mart with Ashlyn.  This was our conversation:

Rusty: I want to buy Ashlyn a fish.
Me: No.
Rusty: It's only $5 for the entire kit!
Me: Who will clean the cage?
Rusty: It won't live long enough to have to clean the cage.
Me: You promise?
Rusty: Yeah.
Me: Just a week?
Rusty: Yeah.
Look at where Rusty put it!  I would've moved it myself, but let's be honest, I really really really want it to die.

I'm taking bets on how it will go and how long it will live.  A crayon...four days?  Dumped out in one of Ashlyn's fits of rage in just under three days?  Do you think that I'll secretly flush it down the toilet when it doesn't die in that first week?  You pick.

The betting opens now!


I Screamed Like a Girl

You can read all about the incident right here....but for those of you that need more of a visual, it was kind of like this: 


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Gardening 101

I went to a gardening enrichment class the other night and learned quite a bit!   But I thought I'd take this opportunity to share what I have learned from gardening on my own.

1.  Don't mistake hundreds of little slivers with leg hairs.

2.  Rocks are stronger than gardening shovels. 

3.  If you buy a big bag of assorted bulbs from Wal Mart, it's possible that some of those bulbs are very pretty hydrangea.

But it's also possible (and just as likely) that they're onions.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Testing Picture Size...


A Little Civil Disobedience Never Hurt Anyone...

I hope you all went to your local TEA parties!

Here are the signs that Ashlyn and I held proudly.

It says, "Don't Make Me Pay For Your GREED".  Ashlyn made it all by herself (and quite a few people wanted their picture taken with her).


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just Some Easter Pictures...

Eventually I'll get around to cropping out the background and doing something fancy, until then...


Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Golden Egg

I just hid a golden egg somewhere in my blog.  Whoever finds it first and comments, I'll take them out to ice cream.  Not just any ice cream either...Coldstone.  Better find it quick before we run out of money!

Now of course, this may present some problems.  You might not live here.  So this ice cream offer is good for ten years, if I don't see you sometime in the next ten years then you're out of luck.

Happy hunting!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

And the Gauntlet is Thrown

Apparently, if you combine two things that I'm really bad this case, Magic Eye and Tetris.  They cancel each other out and I rock at it.

Try and beat my score.  I dare you.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rusty and I decided to go on a 30-mile bike ride yesterday.  I'm not sure why I thought that going to the gym twice a week and spending 15 minutes on a stationary bike would condition me to do such a thing.    
There was a lot of this.  Meaning, there was a lot of me saying, "Oh let's stop and take a picture!"  Just so I could rest a bit.

I told Rusty here that I wanted to get a picture of the pretty green field and him riding passed just so happened to be located in the middle of a huge hill.  Yes, there ARE hills in the Treasure Valley, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  The picture took four tries.  It took that long to catch my breath.  "Darn Rust!  You just zoomed by me again!"

About 2 hours into the trip, I was done.  But we were still 4 hours away from our destination.  I hit every single piece of glass and goat head that I could see in hopes of getting a flat.  No such luck.  I didn't think I could get anyone to drive and pick me up unless I had a flat tire.  

We ended up turning around a little early.  But all was not lost!  We saw a Dharma van on the way back!  (It's hiding behind the haystack).  


Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fools *Update

Wow.  It seems like after every April Fools day I have to clear some things up. 

So here it is.  Damage control.

We thought it would be a fantastic idea to put all of Rusty's siblings (minus the one on his mission) on Craigslist advertising that they had free boxes.  LaRene got 5 calls in the first 30 minutes.  Poor pregnant Ginger got 2 calls very early this morning and tried to do her own damage control with her own Craigslist posting:    Kate lucked out and didn't get a single phone call.  Luke and Jon probably got dates out of the situation.  Adam thought it was very amusing until around the 10th phone call.  Ben got us back by posting this email to the family:


Congratulations, Rust!  Good luck with your interview and I know you'll do great!   Ft. Collins is actually a little bit East of us, so we will no longer be the furthest East.  And of course we'll be practically neighbors.  That's very cool.  Of course you guys can stay with us while house hunting.


P.S.  If you need any moving boxes, we've got plenty!

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:50 AM, "Rustin Terry" <rustin*****>, wrote:
Hey guys, it looks like we're moving to Colorado!  At least we're about 90% sure.  I had 2 really good phone interviews with The Box Company in Ft. Collins and they're flying me out for an interview next week.  I really like the job and it turns out I know the hiring manager so I think it could be a done deal.  I'll keep you posted.                     -Rusty


No, we didn't write that letter.  No, we're not moving (yet).  But thanks fam for the congratulations anyways.  A very promising job opportunity opened up in northern Idaho so hold your congrats until later.

Speaking of job opportunities...

It was rather funny when Rusty got a phone call from the Boston Medical Group earlier today.   He thought it was about a position he applied for (he's been applying to be a biostatistician for numerous pharmaceutical companies), but was disappointed when he realized one of his brothers must have signed him up for some ED therapy.  

Until next year... 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools

Does anyone have any moving boxes?
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