Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Are we noticing a trend yet?

Let me give you a hint:

I bet you think I'm referring to how unoriginal and cheap I am when it comes to making Ashlyn's costumes, huh?  But no, I was actually referring to the fact that we've lived in 4 different houses the last 4 Halloweens (but actually if you want to do the math - Rust and I have never been in the same house two Halloweens in a row).  

What?  You don't believe me?
New Years Resolution 2012: Don't freaking move.  Even if you still have no friends next year.  Just kidding.  I have like 5.  If you round up.

I don't know what's more annoying, the 20 lbs of candy or the one little pink whistle...and no, not all the candy is pictured because we should all know that no woman will overestimate weight.  Like ever.



Jon said...

The trend I'm noticing is that you complain about moving a LOT. I'd be more focused on complaining abpout your husband and his weird teeth.

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