Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Arguments with my Husband

Me:  I bought bacon today.  So that I would maybe make dinner tonight, but then I left it out all day and had to throw it away.

Rust:  You can't do that.  I'll eat it.

Me:  You can't eat bacon that has been sitting in a bag on the counter for 10 hours.  

Rust:  You can't throw away bacon.  

So something about my husband...

Rust doesn't like to waste food.  And I know this, but I don't like to clean out the fridge.  Because gross things make me gag, especially now that I know how much like placenta taco meat looks like.  And sometimes things get shoved in the back and we forget that it's there, because I don't bend over anymore unless I absolutely have to.

So we're kind of at a standstill.  

So I don't even remember that last time we had tacos (it certainly wasn't after my placenta post last week), but because we had no bacon for dinner we had to get creative.  And by creative, I mean I feed the kids PB&J sandwiches and I eat some yogurt.  Rust starts rummaging in the fridge and finds the taco meat.  Way way way in the back.  

He starts heating it up.  Then scoops it onto his plate.

So I spit in it.

And then he's grossed out and throws it away.

And now I'm going to bed angry at him for thinking my spit is grosser than month old taco meat.

And he is going to bed hungry, but won't die tomorrow.  So I win. 



Candice said...

Your life is my favorite sit-com.

And did you really spit in his food? Really? Was Rusty shocked? I wish there was video of this.

Jon said...

I think your spit is grosser than month-old taco meat.

Dawn said...

I would have thrown the bacon away too. My husband doesn't love leftovers that much so nothing stays in the frig too long. If it is more than 4 days old, you chuck it!

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