Friday, October 14, 2011

My Religious Musings

I know about five of you that cringed when you read my blog title post today.  Good.  Cringe.  

I've been reading, following and participating in various arguments online regarding politics, Christianity and sexuality today.  I'm kind of tired of it.  I get why it's offensive as a Mormon to be called unchristian, but try to understand that for some people it's not just a matter of believing in Jesus Christ, that that's not enough to make someone a Christian.  Just like the FLDS aren't considered mormon just because they believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet.

But plastering Facebook and calling Robert Jeffress names (like stupid and uneducated) somehow makes you better than him?

I read the following today and I sadly agree with it:  There has been more hate spread, more violence and destruction done in the name of religion than by any other group...

That's tragic.  It puts a bad taste in my mouth towards religion.  All religion.

I think more importantly than how well you prescribe to your particular ambiguous moral code (because let's be honest, the same incredibly modest outfit I'm wearing right now would have banned me to hell 150 years ago), is how you treat other people.  Everyone needs to stop acting like they own God.

When Jesus walked the earth, did he condemn the adulteress? the homosexual?  the tank top wearers?  Nope.  So why do we?     


Alanna said...

Love this post!!! Thanks for taking time to write it. I think it's 100% true that it doesn't really matter what religion we belong matters more how we act, who we treat and the intentions of our hearts!! We can't judge others. Only God knows our true intentions!

Natalie said...

Thank you!

Leenie said...

So if Joseph's heart is in the right place, then he's okay with God? Pooooor Carol...she's the true victim in all of this. I enjoyed for the most part the past few days of arguments, but there were some moments where I was pretty sure Joseph and I would be kicked out of his family AND lose facebook friends. Glad you stuck it out! Man, I wish you lived close again!

Unknown said...

I'm gonna say it again.
"When Jesus walked the earth, did he condemn the adulteress? the homosexual? the tank top wearers? Nope. So why do we?" - SO well said.

Sweet Pea said...

Whelp, I was put in my place. ;) I agree with and my snarky comment was in jest about punching him in the face. But your right, I was more unchristian than I should have been. Great post Brit. -Carrie

Anonymous said...

I condemn tank top wearers. Because I'm jealous when it's 90 degrees and 100% humidity...

PS - my captcha is "Bratisms" :)

Meg said...

Yes, very well said. I'm getting sick of all the finger pointing. I don't really care if someone tells me that I'm not christian. I don't get why people keep getting so upset about it.

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