Monday, November 9, 2009


There comes a time every few months where I realize that something is missing. Here's the conversation I had with myself a week or so ago...because yes, I do talk to myself fairly frequently.

Darn. I don't think I've seen Austin's sippy cup in a little while. I bet it's in that cedar chest. No, I don't think it is...the kids had their blocks in there last time they were playing with it. Crap. I bet it's in the car...full of nasty spoiled milk.

Guess what? It totally was. in my car. for like three of four days. Disgusting.

Now it's kind of funny because earlier that day I had had a conversation with Oprah...because yes, most of the time when I'm talking to myself I pretend like I'm being interviewed by don't? That's weird.

Oprah: If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think. Me: Should I start with my blog? I keep pissing and moaning about the weather. Hmmm...

So guess what? Today I'm going to take Oprah's advice and I'm going to shout joyous praises about the weather! So because the temperature is lower than that of our fridge (and most likely our freezer, too) that milk wasn't gross at all! And because I'll probably leave a sippy cup in the car 122 more times until Spring, I'm especially grateful for the cold.

So thanks Oprah. Thanks for making me see the brighter side of things.



Unknown said...

LOL! I totally talk to Oprah too! Either her or Rachel Ray!

Kate said...

Hahaha! That's awesome.

Linda Terry said...

i don[t bother with oprah, but i talk to you and all the other kids all the time brit. aren't you hearing me????

Bethany said...

at least there is something good about the cold! i've been tossing so many sippies. i can't stomach opening those nasty curdled milk sippies. SICK!

Kamie said...

Did you hear about the lady that bought everything Oprah talked about and followed all the advice Oprah gave--she did this for one full year. Now she's writing a book about it. I can't remember the name of it, search for the Oprah experiment.

Jeanne Stricklin said...

Way to look on the positive!!!!! No matter what is happening in life... there is always something we can be happy about. And you scored!!!!!!!!!
I Can't stand nasty, yucky, don't want to open the lid or you might lose your lunch sippy cups. A little miricle in a mommies life is always welcomed!

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