Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

In honor of the inaugural address next week, I thought I'd take a minute to discuss why my husband was more intelligent (at nine years of age) than the President-elect.

Exhibit A:
And the highlights (in case you can't read the picture):

1. If I were President I would not have taxes to secure poor people. It is not are fault they are poor.

2. I would triple are guns.

Do you see how there's a star on his paper? Yeah, it must have been the year he was homeschooled. I don't think there's a single teacher in Washington that would put a star on that paper.


Michelle Claire said...

That's awesome! Ha... that's funny...


Bethany said...

This is so great. i am so impressed you have this and even more impressed with the mind of a 9 year old rusty.

Misty said...

Not only would he triple the guns, but he would do it so the USSR is afraid of the USA! =) that's pretty funny! Phil said he wanted to buy a hand gun before Obama took over in fear that he would never be able to buy one again! =)

Misty said...

oh, and I took the picture off. i was totally grossed out by it when I went back even before I saw your comment! haha!

Jeff and Carol said...

Haha. Jeff needs to read this. He'll get a kick out of it!

Go Rusty!!

Alesha Evans said...

Sorry Brit, but, I LOVE OBAMA. You know me, always the different one. :-)

Brits said...

It's OK Alesha. I *think* we can still be friends. Although maybe you'd enjoy Obama a little more if you were in the US!

And THANK YOU Misty! That picture was awful. :D

Bethany - Don't be impressed with me. It's my MIL you should be impressed with! I didn't know Rusty when he was nine. ;)

Linda Terry said...

since i'm brittany's MIL, i'll take full credit (shared of course, with my husband) for my son's great insight and wisdom. actually, he sounds like a chip off his mom and dad's block or yea, an apple still close to the old trunk.

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